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Passing Horse

Antonio Susini (Florence, active between 1580 and 1624). Early 17th century, Florence.

An unprecedented quadretto,

Pegasus with Bellerophon at the source of Pirene

Dominique Florentin (Florence 1506 - Troyes 1570).
Italie, 17th century.

A landscape of an Italian noble town

17th century, Florence.

L’union féconde de Vertumne et Pomone

Première école de Fontainebleau, d’après Pramatice (Bologne 1504 - Fontainebleau 1770) et ses collaborateurs.

Grand cartel en bronze ciselé et doré

Pierre le Roy, horloger du Roi (1717 - 1785)

Panel with a landscape representing a fisherman and ruins

Still life in the Antique style with vases, cups and oil lamp, animated by a parrot perched on a small stand

Around 1870, Florence

A majestic landscape

Attributed to Giovanni Castrucci (active from 1596 to 1615).
17th century century, Bohemia, Prague.

Precious cabinet decorated with black and gold lacquer, with bouquets of golden flowers in imitation of China.

17th century, Augsbourg.

The abduction of Europa

Attributed to Caspar Gras (Autriche 1585-1674)

Les Colombes de Pline

Panneau circulaire décoré de huit panneaux en micromosaïque

Cesare Roccheggiani

Bureau à caisson décoré d'une marqueterie de rinceaux d’étain sur fond de placage de bois d’amarante et de bois de satine